Artwork Guidelines
A few things to keep in mind when creating your masterpiece...
Print Area
Make sure all elements are within 1/8” from the folds and cuts.

Fonts & Lines
Recommended minimum font size is 8pt when white is on black and down to 6pt when black is on white.

Image Quality
For optimal print quality, please provide images at 300 pixels per inch (ppi) at their final size.
If an image is uploaded at 300ppi and subsequently enlarged, its resolution quality diminishes.

Acceptable File Types:
- Native vector files in .eps, .ai, or .pdf format. Vector files are the PREFERRED FILE FORMAT.
- Keep in mind that importing an image into Illustrator does not make it a Vector; it must be originally created in a vector base application.
- Screenshots and web images are low resolution and not acceptable (PNG, HTML, GIF)
- All files are required to be 100% on a 1:1 scale to the die line.
- Keep files layered; have artwork on a separate layer from the die line.